We help develop a personalized financial plan for every student at Centura. Investing in the right education now pays higher dividends when you start your new career. To assist you in making the cost of attending Centura affordable, we offer assistance as you plan to begin your academic career. All prospective students talk with one of our Financial Aid Advisors to develop a financial plan, discuss qualifications and obtain any necessary applications.
Centura is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a proprietary institution of higher education for the purpose of student participation in federal grant and loan programs. Centura's training is also approved to accept various types of military tuition assistance and veteran benefits for active-duty military personnel, veterans and their dependents.
The school also has tuition payment plans available if you are using income from a part-time job, from family or from personal resources to meet tuition obligations. There are also scholarships and private, non-federal loan sources available. A plan tailored to meet your needs while attending school can be arranged. Check with your Financial Aid Advisor for full details on tuition payment schedules.
Availability may differ by campus location.